
I BOUGHT BREAKING DAWN!! MIAH I BOUGHT BREAKING DAWN!! yay!! my collection is complete! :D :D :D i bought it at Popular, and OH MY GADZ!! its so much CHEAPER than in The Times man. RUGI. :( :( :( so sad so sad. also, i 'sun bian' made a Popular membership card so i have discount! $.$ yeaah babeehh!!

oh! one of the shop in centre was theft! 0.0 thief [ a 'fan zhai' ] ran out from the door and to Api-api Centre. there were 12 security guards chasing him man. the 'fan zhai's' 'heng dai's' ran out to help. my sister and i 'sam pat' walk to a crowd of people watching them chasing the thief. xD when we were leaving [in the car] we saw like.. 30 'fan zhai' got caught by the 12 guards walking back to centre. 0.0 goodness!! one of the thief was in green tee and red jacket+jeans. xD wooh!! good experience. xD

miahs birthday coming in 6 more days!! wooh.. i went to centre to buy very expensive materials for his prezzie. :D :: dont worry. its worth it. :D :: im making something for him. hee.. :) i hope i can finish it in time. wires are NOT easy to bend.

nephy!!!! *hugs&kisses*

i was swinging him in the sarong.
"i iz swinging." :D

uinah, so yeng.

E-e [me] & nephew.
in the car.

tummy time!
" i iz trying to crawl." :3

i feel whoozy. @@
i tummy is churning, its making me sick. *.*

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