Dont worry, you'll still grow.

"does a blind person knows that their eyelids are open or close?"

i cut-ed my thumbs nails. yes, only my thumbs nails. the others are all long. :D its really hard to text when ur nails are long and when ur phone buttons arent made of rubber. [mines plastic, just btw. :D] long nails are pretty annoying.. sometimes. hehe.. i kinda see no point of painting my nails, cause they'll get gnashed by things and will ruin ur whole effort painting them.[no offense to anyone who painted their nails! ><]
meets Girl
tomorrow at Kyrugma House. :D :D :D its a 1day camp. speakers are Winifred&Tim Heron. [yes, they are spouses, and no Wini is not orang puteh, shes chinese, but married to an orang puteh, Tim. :D awesome right? that explains the surname.] its from 8AM til night 7.30PM. we, ofcourse, have tea break, and breakfast [i hope.], and lunch, and dinner. we have time to shower too. [in Kyrugma.]

my sis have a wart at her BIG toe. so disgusting, yuck. it turned white and she peeled it off. there are still 'worms' [my sis call them worms.] in her toe. YUCK. she said its not really 'worms'. its the roots. icky!!! i can feel my spine shiver when i imagined it. ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!!! i decide NOT to upload the picture of her toe. @@

sleepy.. waiting for my travian. :)
toodles! [noodles. MMMmmmMMMm..]

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