xanga is manga.

i visited my xanga last night. so many came flooding back. :) it was funny reading them back because the person who wrote them, seemed like it wasnt me. like some stranger who was what? form 1? and the posts goes on til i was form 2. oh! and u cant forget those comments. ahh.. i miss my xanga. :( EVEN THOUGH, its loading is daarn slow.

there were a few tags from the people who does not do tags anymore. example, DEREK YONG QUO TUNG. haha. he used to tag me quite frequently, i think. whatever la! he did, FULL STOP. and i think the way i blogged last time was, i dont know, fun? i noticed that my blogger blogging style became very, sarcastic and formal. xanga was like telling a story as if im talking.

aww man. I MISS MY XANGAAAAA. okay, i know. my xanga was pink, but who cares about colors anyway? :P i loved those times where i was so excited to check my blog and see alot of comments in my comment box. whether im in an upside down condition, there's always those people who support me, even though xanga's loading was slow (still is. :/). i can still recall.. Daniel, Derek, Apple, Wendy, Baron Hen, SamKu (i told her to get a blog at that time, she didnt. she started only this year. delay. blah. :P), Max, Miah, David Chio, Kavita, Olivia Vun, Cyrus, Ivy Lo.. so many!!

also, i remember my xanga posts were emo. most of them laaah. every single detail happened, i typed them there. bad times, good times, everything. and i was much more that little girl faithful to God. so much has changed. so much of me changed. i cant believe things revolutionise so quickly. seriously man, i miss those moments. :/

should i double blog posts? hmm.. click here for my xangaaaaa. :D

* * *

back to emotional rants and changes. :/ okay, the tape worm is starting to eat me alive now. doesnt matter. there's no good or bad to this. to me, not you. its all coming back, again. i can feel the heavy impact booming out from its source and hitting me over and over again. you know in your dreams where you cant just run fast enough from some urgly gurgly beast when in reality you know you can run faster than that? suck to feel that yea? thats what im feeling now, but 100 times worse. :/

please make it go awaayy.. maybe things should have stayed like how it was before. but now, its too late. because im drugged. im addicted. im a fool. it would be impossible to turn back time and prevent it from happening. i rather not want it. i rather not have it. please take it backk.. :(
remove the pain. remove the memories. remove, everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good, i just brought many new emo backgrounds 4 my blog